Keynote address
The participatory session will have a keynote address from the guest of honour on the 2021 IGD theme : Prioritising Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health to Achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is expanding beyond Uganda and regional borders to attract drivers of change from across the globe to inspire, invigorate, and engage on key issues.
High Level In Depth Discussions
Self care: Is it the future of SRH management?
Privacy and confidentiality are key to health care management and can impact on health seeking behaviour for adolescents and young people, especially around Sexual reproductive health, an opportunity that self care offers. In addition, COVID 19 and the limitations associated with access to services saw a growing need for self care in the comfort of their homes, especially around modern contraception. For social innovators, this was seen as an opportunity to serve an untapped market. However, it's also important to acknowledge there are inevitable risks associated with such innovations for instance, abuse of prescription drugs, supply issues but above all privatising such a vital service. Hence, the session would explore the concept deeper, highlight associated risks as well as solutions for the identified gaps. More importantly, the session will seek evidence that can be used for advocacy around self care.
Gender Equality, 25 years later
The 1995 Beijing Platform is the most comprehensive plan to achieve gender equality for all. The action plan flagged 12 key areas where urgent action was needed to ensure greater equality and opportunities for women and men, girls and boys. It also laid out concrete ways for countries to bring about change. Progress on implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action (BPFA) has been reviewed every five years by the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), however, reports show that countries have fallen behind on achieving any of the commitments. The IGD will provide a platform for countries especially Uganda to reflect on her progress over the years and also launch the Uganda CSO platform for Gender Equality. The platform is a national level CSO led effort, adding to the gains of the Gender equality Forum held in Forum in Paris, on 30 June – 2 July 2021.
The IGD Power Debate: Keeping SRHR on track in the Amidst COVID 19.
The outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic has shone a light on significant Sexual reproductive health challenges adolescents and young people face on a daily basis. Despite positive advancements in health services, sexual and reproductive health remains one of the greatest difficulties confronting young people and individuals, the majority of whom do not have access to modern contraception, and such cases increased because of COVID -19. The pandemic threatens to undermine the progress due to its unfair, cumulative, and catastrophic impact on the already marginalised populations. Because the virus is extremely hazardous and can kill a large number of people in a brief period, governments have dedicated resources to combating the pandemic by applying mass quarantine, shut down and social distancing. With the progress in the health system in general, there is a massive pushback against gender equality and the overall achievement of sexual reproductive health and rights.
Leaving no one behind: Centering Persons with disabilities
This session will focus on sharing underlying facts and impactful stories from persons with disabilities, will be delivered in a ted talk-like style. The speakers will share experiences, innovations & stories relating to real global context to inspire, impart knowledge and demystify the myths and misconceptions.
Our Cultural Icons Will Leverage Edutainment to Communicate SRH
The power and influence of music as an integral role in communicating social issues cannot be ignored. We shall be premiering the U-decide song: "Gwe Asalawo"